It’s my birthday, and I wished for this

This, being…

one insomniac coughing fit so energetic I blew out an eardrum (brills)

two naps, three boxes of chocolate, four new books (better)

one cafe breakfast and a bottle of the best French lemonade we ever had

one birthday cake made from piled-up scones-and-cream-and-jam

and one boy in tractor wellies, one boy popping the buttons off my coat, and one boy holding my hand under the table.

I’ve never had a birthday where I felt worse and enjoyed myself more. Seriously, these boys. They make my twenty-eight.

(I would also really like to be in bed at this point, but I’ve got another fifteen minutes till my next bout of cold medicine. So, like, a million photos? Yep, good idea.)

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12 thoughts on “It’s my birthday, and I wished for this

  1. Dadx says:

    I was just thinking – 28 years ago this morning I thought you were the most wonderful thing thing I ever saw – and that I had no idea then just how wonderful you would turn out 28 years later 🙂 xxxx


    • Yes, we are! I get a bit tired of big Facebook announcements, so we didn’t really do one. We’ve just been telling people when they ask – though that system sort of falls down when you know so many people overseas!

      And thanks! Are you feeling better? Hope so. Xx


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